Posted in Rebozo レボゾ

Rebozo レボゾ

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私は2020年の5月にDONA Internationalの出産ドゥーラになる為のクラスをオンラインで受講しました。教室はロスアンジェルスにあり、先生はブラジル出身の先生でした。このクラスでレボゾの事を知りました。レボゾは中央アメリカに伝わる伝統的な物なので、その伝統文化に敬意をはらうために、レボゾは現地で生産された物を購入し、現地の先生から使用法を学ぶ様にしましょうというアドバイスを受けました。一番上の写真の私が所有しているレボゾはメキシコで手織りされた物を購入しました。その後、現地の先生がレボゾの使用法を教えている、オンラインワークショップやクラスを探していたのですが、昨年末にやっと見つけたのです!ブラジル在住でメキシコ人の助産師さん、ナオリ・ヴィナヴェール先生のオンライン助産クラスを受講し始めました。このコースの中でレボゾの使い方も学んでいます。ナオリ・ ヴィナヴェール先生は世界各地でワークショップを行い、レボゾを世界中の助産シーンに広げる活動をしており、オンラインコースはスペイン語、ポルトガル語、英語、フランス語で教えています。



Do you know what a rebozo is?
It is a traditional hand woven fabric from the Central America. it is generally used to carry a baby or a toddler, as a shawl, and as a blanket. It is also used when people carry something on their head. It’s placed between their head and basket, so it helps to keep the basket in place. I learned that women wearing a rebozo represents they are married in Mexico. Its size is about 280cm in length and about 70cm in width in general.

Rebozo comes in handy during pregnancy and childbirth. You can wrap your belly or pelvic area to help relax your back and pelvic area and to ease back pain during pregnancy. While in labor, your birth partner can use a rebozo to give pain relive massage by rocking and compressing your hip or lifting your belly. Rebozo can also help you to stay in desirable posture. Very well experienced midwives have skills to move baby’s position in the uterus to preferred position for labor. After birth, a woman is wrapped in multiple rebozos for the sealing ceremony. This helps the mother’s body to heal faster.

In May of 2020, I took DONA International birth doula training which is taught by a Brazilian birth doula trainer in California. I learned about rebozos from her. She advised me to purchase rebozos from Mexico and learn the techniques from the professionals in Mexico to show respect for the indigenous wisdom and history of the rebozo. Three rebozos in the photo on the top are rebozos I own. I purchased them from a seller in Mexico which produces authentic hand woven rebozos and give back some of their profit to the local midwives and community. I also started taking online midwifery course taught by Mexican midwife, Naoli Vinaver in order to learn techniques of rebozos. She teaches techniques of rebozos in workshops all over te world. She also teaches midwifery course online in Spanish, Portuguese, English, and French. She is one of the great contributors to share the great use of rebozos in childbirth worldwide.

I recently found a book of rebozo techniques translated to Japanese and purchased it. I’ve been learning rebozo techniques and can’t wait to let you experience the use of rebozos during your childbirth.